Mike checking Seedlings
Our Sprouts program is one of our largest supportive programs at SGGN. Mike is doing great job at Herons Nest Greenhouse checking on the seedlings 🌱 Thank you to all the hardworking volunteers that come in everyday to the Ballard, Beacon Hill and Herons Nest Greenhouse to grow and give.
Home gardener or community gardener. Please consider growing a row for food sharing. Mark it, harvest, share to your nearest food pantry, soup kitchen or foodbank. Check out “Donation by Location” on our website for more information on where to bring fresh produce in your Seattle neighborhood.
Mid-Beacon Hill Sprouts Pilot
We’re nearing completion of the pilot project at Mid-Beacon Farm Greenhouse. Thank you Heather Weiner for taking on the Sprouts project in a winning first year. There is much to celebrate in a big step forward to providing healthy food for our communities.
Spring is in the Air- Or is that Zoo Doo?
Tired Garden Beds? do you need a little zip for the zoochini, pep for the peas , or oomph for the okra- Zoo Doo is availabe now from Woodlawn Park Zoo. Zoo Doo is straw, woodchips, wood shavings and manure from non-primate herbivores. The compost is ready for immediate application on all edible and non-edible plants Set up an appointment. Pickup is next to the Woodland Park Rose Garden. At your appointment time, arrive at the Zoo Doo yard, back your vehicle up to the pile of fully mature compost, and load the compost by hand. You can take as much or as little as you want for your gardens,…
Donors Bring it Home
Our 2023 seed money campaign was grandslam. We exceeded our goal by a considerable amount and recieved an extra grant from seedmoney! We owe this to success to the overwhelming response from our wonderful donors . We raised over $6000 dollars which will go towards fully funding our three Sprouts locations as well as doubling our small grants budgets- A big win for all our Giving Gardners- thank you Donors
Bounty Beyond Belief
A big thanks to all the retailers and wholesalers who generously donated to our 2023 seed drive, Our giving gardens will be delighted at the treasure trove of seed we recieved. Cuor di Bue Albenga Tomato, Vorgebirgstraubuen Cucumber. and Kurininishiki Kabocha Squash are just some of eclectic bounty of this years seed drive which will be distributed to gardeners at our annual gathering. Thank you donors! Please support our local and regional retailer and wholesalers who made this possible DONOR LIST
A Small Grant can Make a Big Difference
It’s a new application season for SGGN Small Grants. Would Rabbit fencing, compost delivery, or a super insuated storage box help you increase food production and distribution in your giving garden.. SGGN’s small grants are available for these types of giving garden projects projects. Check out our easy application (add link to grant application page here.)
Donate to SGGN by December 15th!
We have a Fundraising campaign happening! Please help us reach our goal! https://donate.seedmoney.org/9407/seattle-giving-garden-network-2023 Reaching this goal will allow us to continue to provide over 20,000 plants to give giving gardeners a strong start to the growing season–improving the chances of a reliable harvest. We offer a bountiful assortment of free seed packets annually at our Giving Gardeners Gathering and have an easily accessible funding program for your garden’s needs. If you can, PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Any amount is greatly appreciated- $5 – $20 – $50+ – With the small funding SGGN requires, we do incredible things! We use our funding thoughtfully by meeting and planning all year round. SGGN holds…
Winter Newsletter
Winter Newsletter — Check it out! The latest Giving Garden newsletter can be read here.
December Appreciation
At SGGN we decided to make December a month of appreciation. Gardeners that grow to give do it from the heart. The hours of devotion to growing for others. You giving gardeners do an incredible job. Keep it up! Are you interested in in growing to give? Please email us for more information on how to get involved. info@sggn.org
Giving Garden lead
Pictures of the UpGarden Giving Garden
Sprouts 2022
Kit and Phoebe working away growing sprouts for giving gardeners who grow for donation.
Molbaks donation
Our volunteers Peggy and Tasia have been working hard at securing seed donations for February’s seed event. Our volunteer Rob had picked these up from Molbaks . Thank you Molbak’s for the donation.
SGGN’s Summer Meet-up
Seattle Giving Garden Network volunteers got together to talk plans for 2022/2023
New Volunteers are always welcome. Help us in our mission to provide fresh food to people who need it most.
King County has cover crop giveaway
King County announced they have clover/pea cover crop seeds available to community p patches. Here’s a link to more information and an application: https://kingcd.org/2022/07/19/kcd-community-agriculture-cover-crop-giveaway/
Some great growing
We are having a great season in the giving garden. This is in large part to the grant we received this spring from SGGN which we used to purchase moodoo for our existing plots and to revitalize a plot long underutilized. Some ups and downs. Bunnies nibbled our pole beans but we replanted and put up fencing, we had some theft of collard plants which were looking so good. Lettuce and chard have done very well, zucchini almost ready for first harvesting, tomatoes looking good.
Thank you local companies for your generous seed donations!
We are so grateful to our many seed retailers and seed companies for their generous seed donations. Their contributions provide seeds to our local giving gardeners, and food banks. This year we also partnered with Northwest Harvest to distribute donated seeds across the state. Please support these wonderful businesses and seed companies that help make this happen! Email us at info@sggn.org if you would like to donate. We are happy to pick up local donations. Urban Earth Nursery City Peoples Mercantile Wells Medina Nursery Bellevue Nursery City Peoples Garden Store Molbaks Maple Leaf True Value Seattle Seed Company Sky Nursery Adaptive Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds Osborne Seed Co. West…
One of the first harvests of the year!
Here are some photos from the giving gardens at Linden Orchard P-Patch
Harvesting SGGN’s Ballard Sprouts
Beautiful Collards, Kale, leafy greens and pak choy about to get their first big harvest. Thank you Ballard Sprouts.
Gardener Updates
Hello giving gardeners! Welcome to our new website! There’s a new look, but much is the same. A big change is the option for giving gardeners to submit a post on our site! To submit a post, visit https://www.sggn.org/garden-updates (or the link below in the footer at the very bottom of this site). Let us know what you’re growing, upcoming events, and even how we can improve the form and website to make them better serve everyone. Thank you!
Interbay Giving Garden story on video!